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3 Steps to Identify Healthy Imposters

Want the shortcut to healthy eating? Learn how to identify the "healthy imposters!"

There's nothing worse than thinking you're making healthy choices and maintaining healthy habits but not seeing the results of your new decisions and actions. Most often, you've been unknowingly sabotaged by "healthy imposters." Unfortunately, these imposters can derail your weight-loss & wellness goals and, over time, can accumulate negative health consequences.

What's a Healthy Imposter? 

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3 Ways to Improve Blood Sugar Levels with Food

Want to improve blood sugar levels and manage body weight? The metabolism responds and reacts to what we eat and drink, so if you want to manage your body weight and better regulate your blood sugar levels, focus on these three aspects of nutrition.  

1. Fiber 

Don't count calories or carbs; count on fiber. Fiber is what the metabolism relies on to maintain a healthy digestive tract. It also feeds the good gut bacteria in the belly that communicate with the brain to...

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Farmer's Claims on the Egg Carton are Mostly Unverified

breakfast chicken eggs protein Feb 24, 2023

How do you know you're getting what you pay for? 

The most common labels are cage-free, free-range, or pasture-raised. All three environments are unregulated and not inspected by the USDA and US government. So if you can't trust the label, how do you verify what's best? 

Certified Humane Certification 

The USDA and US government do not certify or inspect whether the hen's living conditions match the package claims. That's why the Certified Humane seal is the first thing I...

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Why I Stopped Taking Supplements

Supplements aren't safe; they're more dangerous than prescription medications

Unfortunately, it's true! Supplements are more dangerous than medications because of labeling loopholes. Unlike prescription drugs, the FDA does not have the authority to approve dietary supplements for the safety and effectiveness of the labeling before they are sold in stores or online. This means manufacturers have a loophole to take liberties with the label and the content in the bottle. And when...

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Super Bowl Strategy: No Restrictions, Enjoy the Day!

A New, Modern Way to Stay Healthy & Celebrate!

Let's enjoy a weekend of fun and celebration! You don't need to be a football fan to enjoy gathering with friends and family to have fun and indulge in good food. That's my plan; I plan to eat all the food I want, and if that sounds alarming, that's because it's the updated, modern way to be healthy: no restrictions!  

Limitations Linger

When we try to restrict ourselves during a special occasion, feelings of scarcity,...

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Love is More than a Feeling; It's Fuel for Motivation!

Four ways to galvanize love to maintain healthy habits

Healthy habits can be easier when we implement the same motivation that drives us to endure the most challenging times: love. And that's because love is a transferable skill and deeply seeded motivation. Yes, love sustains us all and keeps us motivated to survive, strive and push past difficulties.

Most of us direct our focus and feelings toward someone we love: a spouse, child, sibling, parent, friend, or pet. Instead of solely...

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5 Affirmations that Inspire Me!  

"Could you do it for $ 1 million?" That's what I ask myself when things get hard or when I feel stressed, overwhelmed, and challenged. I try to give myself a "jolt" to help see the situation differently. A mental perspective shift requires firm, reassuring, and nurturing self-talk. Here are a few things I say to myself to retrieve my optimism, build perseverance, and tap into my underlying determination to keep going! 

  1. It's simple but not easy. I use this as a mantra to remind...
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Tasty Tricks: How Foods, By Design, Are Hard to Resist

Why is it so hard to take one bite and stop? It's not you. It's the food. Processed foods keep all of us eating and wanting more by design with unstoppable taste, flavor, and variety, stimulating us so we can't stop eating. 

Tasty Tricks 

Taste is the first place our brain registers stimulation and flavor. So that's why food manufacturers know to develop substances stimulating the tongue and the brain. And they constantly formulate new ways to amplify the power of what we...

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Stand Up to Improve Metabolic Health 

If Sitting is as Unhealthy as Smoking, How do we Quit?

Stand up at least once every hour, and remain standing for at least one minute. Ideally, walking or doing air squats to activate your muscles during the one minute. Because when you activate your muscles, you keep the mitochondria in the muscle cells strong, which increases your metabolism's efficiency and overall health. 

65% of Muscle is Below the Belt  

Most of the body's muscle is in the legs, thighs, glutes,...

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3 Healthy Ways to Improve Mood

During winter, when the days are shorter and there's not as much sunlight, I adjust my routines and rely on these three things to boost my mood.

Comfort Food

Yes, comfort food, by definition, makes you feel good. And eating is a normal, healthy response to relieve not only the discomfort of hunger but it can also provide relief from uncomfortable feelings of loneliness, boredom, or sadness.

A healthy approach is to plan and prepare comfort foods made with natural ingredients that provide real...

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