The most common labels are cage-free, free-range, or pasture-raised. All three environments are unregulated and not inspected by the USDA and US government. So if you can't trust the label, how do you verify what's best?
The USDA and US government do not certify or inspect whether the hen's living conditions match the package claims. That's why the Certified Humane seal is the first thing I always look for on the carton, no matter what eggs I decide to buy. They "annually" certify the humane status that the manufacturer claims. So if you're lucky, your store will sell eggs of all varieties with this certification.
Why does the life of the hen matter? The life of the hen determines the quality of the egg. This means her environment and what she eats largely influence the egg's nutritional value. So the more time the hen can spend outdoors hunting in pastures for her food, the better. That's why pasture-raised is so popular.
Cage-free means the hen gets space, but cage-free doesn't mean she gets to go outside. It's not inspected or regulated unless you see the Certified Humane seal.
Free range means the hen gets more space and outdoor access, but it doesn't mean the hen will spend time outside. There are no rules or inspections on how often the hen goes out; if the hen is used to living in crowded areas, the hen may not go outside when the farmer opens the door.
Pasture-raised is the best because the hens can eat the natural grass and insects. And they can hunt for their grubs and larvae to eat. Unfortunately, just like the others, pasture-raised is also a label that the government does not regulate. Which means farms can use their own definitions.
I buy pasture-raised eggs with the Certified Humane certification on the carton if I can. And I also try to find "Organic" on the carton because those are the 3 Egg Essentials!
Paid Subscribers and Members: watch the "Real Life Strategy Video," where I tell you the difference and give you more tips on How to Buy Eggs. If you buy liquid eggs or egg whites, you'll want to watch this video.
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