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Seasonal Strategies: Fuel Your Fall, Fight Resistance

Autumn Alert: Fall is here!

You've been energized to re-embrace work or school after summer, but now, resistance is lurking. This sly rebel can thwart your best-laid plans, especially as the season changes. Fear not; we'll reveal how resistance sneaks in and offer practical strategies to stop the sabotage. You can stay on track with your healthy habits and routines, no matter the season!

Comfort vs. Growth: Trapped in the comfort zone? Hearing whispers saying, "You deserve a break!" may be...

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Believe It's Possible: Transform Your Health

Beliefs: An Unseen Force Guiding Our Lives

Beliefs are the scripts we live by, often formulated in childhood and passed down through generations. The lessons our parents and caregivers imparted to us and the environments we were exposed to all leave deep-rooted impressions on our minds. These beliefs become the invisible architects of our lives, subtly guiding our behaviors and attitudes.

Breaking Free: Changing Beliefs

For many years, I lived under the influence of a belief that limited my...

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Love is More than a Feeling; It's Fuel for Motivation!

Four ways to galvanize love to maintain healthy habits

Healthy habits can be easier when we implement the same motivation that drives us to endure the most challenging times: love. And that's because love is a transferable skill and deeply seeded motivation. Yes, love sustains us all and keeps us motivated to survive, strive and push past difficulties.

Most of us direct our focus and feelings toward someone we love: a spouse, child, sibling, parent, friend, or pet. Instead of solely...

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5 Affirmations that Inspire Me!  

"Could you do it for $ 1 million?" That's what I ask myself when things get hard or when I feel stressed, overwhelmed, and challenged. I try to give myself a "jolt" to help see the situation differently. A mental perspective shift requires firm, reassuring, and nurturing self-talk. Here are a few things I say to myself to retrieve my optimism, build perseverance, and tap into my underlying determination to keep going! 

  1. It's simple but not easy. I use this as a mantra to remind...
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How to Maintain New Year Motivation

The New Year will reliably spark renewed motivation to change habits and routines. Earlier this month, I published "New Year Resolutions that Work," which outlined the steps to make the change successfully. But maintaining motivation throughout the calendar year is the most difficult. So here are the newest ways to help keep your motivation to change.

Set Flexible Goals

Healthy habits and routines only survive the everyday pressure of time and unexpected interruptions of daily life when the...

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