When it comes to alcohol, what you drink can be just as important as how much you drink because alcohol isn't the only substance that can impact your health. Drinking sugar, fructose, and alcohol distilled from fruit can all trigger fat storage, slow metabolism, and stimulate appetite, hunger, and cravings. These tips and recipes can help you avoid unnecessary substances while you enjoy a cocktail!
Most drinks are made from...
Beer is often referred to as liquid bread, because regular beer contains sugar in the form of maltose…that’s the sugary carb and the brewer’s yeast, which is used to make both bread and beer.
UPDATE: May 3, 2022 Video Post "How I Buy Beer" click to watch!
Did you know, your taste buds regenerate every 10 days? Which means, you can actually improve the taste of natural, healthy food if you "reset your taste buds" with a 10 day rest!
THE 10 DAY CHALLENGE: eliminate all "sweet stimulation" for at least 10 days so the sweet-receptor proteins on your tongue can reset. Then, after the 10 day "challenge", slowly reintroduce sweet taste and you'll find your tongue is more sensitive to sweet taste. You'll likely notice you don't crave sweet...
2-3oz vodka
Sparkling water
Lime Juice
2-3oz gin
Lime Juice
2-3oz Whiskey
Sparkling water
Sugar is Secretly Smuggled into Drinks
It’s clear that drinking soda isn’t healthy, but most people don't realize that most everything added to a drink is sugar: natural honey, sweetened coffee creamer, supplement tablets and even powders designed to boost your immune system! All of it is liquid sugar, even a hundred percent natural fruit juice & fruit smoothies are all sugar! Even alcohol that's been distilled from fruit, like wine and champagne are all liquid...
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